
Studio Elves Hard at Work


Jennie, JoAnn, and Karen each took on 10 color cards to load with yarn.


JoAnn became very skillful at making skeins from big hanks of yarn with this antique skeining machine.

I held my first of many studio workshop days in Byrdcall Studio this week.  The goal was to familiarize helpful (and interested) friends in some of the day-to-day operations in the studio as they relate to my new rya rug design and supply “division.”  The other goal was to have fun with some awesome women folk who volunteered to help me get this “show on the road” as we made yarn sample cards and spun skeins from hanks of dyed rya yarn.  The less time I personally spend making yarn sample cards, the more time I have to work on my book on making rya rugs.

After a grueling three hours in the sweatshop, we enjoyed a variety of salads, bread, and guac&chips (by Karen) under the patio umbrella.  I believe everyone had a good time and I am very well supplied with sample yarn cards for a few weeks (hopefully).  Soon we will be putting together kits, organizing yarn displays, hemming backings for orders, and having more fun.  I have a few other people on my “helper list” who could not make it this week.  If you would like to help out some day, please let me know.  Thanks.

And very sincere thanks to these three women who caught on quickly and made my day a wonderful day!


Karen and Jennie put finishing touches on the sample cards.

My Thoreau Linocut in Maine Woods!

Brookie-In-Color-sepI was very happily surprised to be found by Maine Woods Discovery last week.  They have coordinated a spectacular event to rekindle our spirit to connect with the woods of Maine. In 16 days, 7 canoes, and 14 paddlers retraced the 325-mile route taken during the 1857 trip made by Henry David Thoreau and Penobscot Guide, Joe Polis. The event was designed for the dual purposes of celebrating the 150th anniversary of the publication of “The Maine Woods” and to draw attention to the outstanding opportunities for quality, nature-based recreation, vacation, and travel experiences available in the “uninterrupted” landscape that makes up the The Maine Woods. Thoreau Simplify-Discover

I was contacted by a behind-the-scenes logistics man, Matthew Kovacevich, who wanted to know if they could use my linocut image of Thoreau with a “slight change” for printing onto shirts for the participants when they reached final destination on June 1st.  Of course I said yes, to be a part of this great event.

They blogged daily during the 16-day trip, posted progress, photos, weather reports, and basically relayed the feel of the adventure to the thousands of us at home watch via internet.  They asked me to write a blog posting which I will share with you here.  You can see that Henry and I go way back.  Read my blog here.  (Yes, that is a blog within a blog, but worthwhile, I think.)  And if you like this kind of thing, follow Maine Woods Discovery on Facebook…read previous posting to get a look at posted photos-really good photos!

Check out their web site to get a taste for the event. Click here to learn more about 150 Thoreau.  The crew of CBS Sunday Morning was filming where possible along the trek…and they filmed at the take out point.

Added on 8/13/14:  here is the link to the video of the Thoreau-Wabanaki Trek:  Click here to see 5 min. video.

Thanks for reading….Feel free to comment.


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