If you have been patiently waiting for me to finish my book so I can create more rya kits for you to choose from, you don’t need to wait any longer. I have been selling all the rya supplies offered by Rauma of Norway for over a year now. I stock 76 of their 82 colors, and by November 2015, I will carry all 82 colors of their rya yarn (ryegarn) from the indigenous Spaelsau sheep of Norway. I also carry their heavy wool and linen backings in 26 sizes. What I did not have until this week, was access to their 125+ prepared kits. Now I do. This is huge.
Back in the old days when I worked with my grandparents, there was no internet with which to post photos of rya kits. So you had to request a catalog which we had to snail mail to you to choose from. It was a time-consuming and expensive process and hit-or-miss as to whether there were designs you wanted to make within that catalog.
Today, I am simply posting a few of the many designs you will see in the coming weeks. If you see one that you love, call or email me and order it. I will place the order for your kit which generally will arrive in about one month. I can send an online invoice to you, so when your kit arrives, I can ship it right off to you. I will be adding instructions in English for those of you whose Norwegian is a little rusty. If you are new to the rya process, I will start making the first row of knots for you to copy my process. If you live within driving distance of my studio, you can pick it up (save shipping) and I will watch you make the knots until you are comfortable with the process–but that is something most people can easily figure out on their own. The kit will have everything you need in it. The ease of this kind of transaction will free me up to first finish writing the book, and eventually allow more time for me to teach classes and make up my own kits. So without further ado . . . . The beginning of my Rauma offerings…Folder #11:

This heart-shaped design rya is knotted with two types of yarn: ryegarn and prydvevgarn. The price of this kit is $540.

Sommerfugl is available in 80 x 120 cm (31″ x 47″) for $540. This kit is composed of both ryegarn and prydvevgarn.
I think that is enough for now…. very soon, I will add more. Stay tuned and thanks. By the way, as far as the price of the kits goes … I did some calculations of what the basic materials would cost if bought separately, and in truth, the kit cost is very comparable. I was surprised at how little mark up was added for the “kit construction.” I figured some of you were wondering.
One of my most experienced rya customers, Murray, just ordered the first Rauma kit from me. (He has made many Rauma kits though.) When I received it and opened it to make sure all was in order, I noticed that the gorgeous yarn colors were a little different from the ones in the catalog. Some of these catalog photos are old back in the day when the color vibrancy scale was amped up. (Think of the old National Geographics, where the vivid colors were a tab more vivid than reality.) So you might expect your rya to be a bit more subdued than the photo. Frankly, the colors in Murray’s kit were stunning, but you should know there is a possibility of a color variance.
And as a final note, those of you who are already designing your own, keep it up! The kit is a great way to start, but designing your own is a rush!