
Counting on T-shirts

One month ago I offered to handprint any design on any of my 125+ blank shirts.  Many of you took advantage of the offer and placed orders.  I cut the order acceptance off on Thanksgiving, and started printing the very next morning and the next whole day.  For every design ordered, I printed another 5-8 shirts to plump up my printed shirt bins.  So today with achey back and hands I have updated my shirt listings in my etsy shop which I will share with you as links you can click on to see what is available in each size.  (11/28/17: I still have a few sizes to photograph and list…but this is a good start.

I’m not accepting any more custom print orders, but the odds are I might have just what you want ready-to-go in my shirt bins.  The best way to find out is to click on the size you want in either Ladies or Unisex (Men’s) Style.  The link will take you to my etsy shop.  Don’t worry, you won’t be dealing with a stranger…it’s me checking my etsy orders every day and popping your orders in the mail to you.

As many of you know, my work goals are shifting to helping bring back the rya craft, so the shirts are just a side dish for me.  There will come a day when I must let it go, but while I have so many shirts and so many shirt-lovers nipping at my heals, I will find a way to make them available to you.  Thanks for understanding.  I will not be printing any more shirts this year!

Check the following links to see what is available today:  

Click to see list #1 of Ladies Small shirts.

Click to see list #2 of Ladies Small shirts.

Click to see Ladies Medium shirts

Click to see the Ladies Large Shirts   

Click to see Ladies X-Large shirts.

Click to see Ladies 2XL shirts.


Click to see the Men’s SMALL shirts  

 When you click, you can click on the photo and see close-ups of all the shirts.


Click to see Men’s MEDIUM shirts  

(I have plenty!)

Click to see Men’s LARGE shirts  

Click to see Men’s X-LARGE shirts.  

(I have plenty…just trying to change up the photos a little bit.  This shirt is available in X-Large.

Now for the Silk-screened shirts by size.  Many of these prices are drastically lowered to clear out almost-sold-out designs.  Help me out, OK?

Men’s Small Silk-screened shirts  

Men’s MEDIUM Silk-screened Shirts

Men’s LARGE Silk-screened Shirts


I have many more shirts which I will keep photographing and listing here, so come back soon to see my hand-printed long-sleeved shirt and my silkscreened shirts.



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