“Look What I Did!”
Remember being a little child and every time you did something you were proud of, you would run around and show everyone saying, “Look what I made!” or “Look what I did all by myself!” I think artists are the same way. We make something and must show people. It validates who we are as unique artists. If an artist creates and doesn’t share, are they really an artist? Is sharing intrinsic to being an artist? I don’t know. But let’s share just the same.

Scarlet Macaw on martini glass
Flash back to my first decade after I left my job of gainful employ. I tried many different art forms just for the thrill of seeing if I could do it. My friend, Nancy, asked me if I could paint wine glasses for the reunion of her college buddies. I had never painted on glass before, but gave it a shot. Her feedback propelled me into being a unique and proficient glass painter for many years. I shared in newsletters before turning the glasses over to the new owners.
I went through the same process with floorcloth making… hand-carved signs … woodcuts and linocuts–yes, the T-Shirt printing was mighty hot for a while. I still have a hard time holding back in creating new images in wood. But as many of you know, I have totally immersed into helping to bring back rya rug making. It was a hobby when I was a child, a job when my grandparents needed assistance in their rya rug supply shop, then pretty much forgotten for 30 years as I moved through life, but now I feel like my efforts are making a difference. I have committed to carrying this mission on.
Why am I telling you all this? Because last month as I was upgrading my web site to be a more secure site (for your benefit), I mentioned to my computer guru, Jeannine, that I needed to do a major update of my web site to reflect what I am actually doing now. She kindly hinted that she was wondering when I was going to take that step.
So, that clinched it … time to get rid of all the images of what I no longer do. But not without a last hurrah and a little fun for you.
I am still an ARTIST! I am still a show-off! So take a last look at the wicked cool stuff I did from about 2000 to 2016 in the non-rya world. I made a little game for you to ensure you don’t miss anything. If you search my artwork-of-the-past and answer the following questions, your name will be added to a hat from which the winner will be drawn on September 1, 2018. The winner can select any shirt from the many still remaining in my possession–hand-printed or silkscreened. (You weren’t expecting a free rya rug, were you?) To see what shirts are available, click here to go to the shirts in my etsy shop.
I will mail the the shirt to the winner, or you can arrange a time to stop by the studio to pick out your favorite. OK, here are the challenges. To find the answers, go to Byrdcall Studio.
Hint: Click on the title on the right called Gallery. Happy Hunting!
- What is the name of the Farm on the mailbox with two German shepherds on it?
- How many Oysters are on the platter?
- What store has a sign with a big blue map of Maryland on it?
- What kind of bird is carved on the Adventure sign?
- What is H. D. Thoreau’s message?
- What color gems does Josephine have in her tiara?
- What color shirt is the middle drummer wearing?
- What sea creature is painted on the hat visor?
- What insect is painted all over Paige’s wall?
- What is the vehicle clearance height on the Twin Arch Bridge painting?
- Bonus Question: What kind of duck has a blue bill? (See the pint glass)
BLOG UPDATE! 9/1/18 And the WINNER is Nicole Agostino of Eldersburg, MD!!!
Winner will be announced on Byrdcall Studio Facebook page, contacted by email, and mentioned in the next newsletter. This would be a good “blog” to share with others. These images will disappear soon after my book is complete. You can comment below if you like. After all, a “show-off” thrives on feedback, but don’t share your answers below. duh. Send your list of answers to me at byrdcallstudio@gmail.com.
Thank you. Now I feel like you have sufficiently witnessed my varied “arts” of the past. Now I can let them go. Thank you for helping me work through this process.
Note: As of 3:45 PM on Wednesday, the hat has just one name of a person who answered all 10 plus the bonus question correctly! You gotta play to win!