I’m Seeking “Testimonials.” Can You Help?

2017 Stitches United Rya Rug Making Workshop in Hartford Connecticut
It is a little embarrassing to say, “Hey, got any praises you can sing for me?” But in truth, I am looking for your kind, but earned, words of recommendation that I can use to improve my new website which is in the developmental stages.
As I was working with my book designer, Ken Koons, in designing the back cover, we realized that many successful books list great reviews which help give confidence to the person trying to decide if they want to buy the book or not. We figured we’d probably just add rave reviews on the 2nd edition. So who knows where your testimonials will turn up?
Feel free to post your comments below in the Leave a Reply section. As always, you may not see it posted for several hours, so don’t feel like your comment was “lost in space” if you don’t see it right away. Brief comments sharing your personal experience as to how I was able to help you with your projects are best.
I’d love to hear from my former students, designers, beginners, accomplished rya artists, long-distance internet buddies, everyone with a story to share.
I thank you in advance. It has always been a pleasure and an honor to help you.
~ Melinda