
So Ready for A New Year: 2021!

Yes, It has been a while since I’ve written a blog and I have so much to say–I’m not sure where to begin. Mainly, I just want to break the ice here, then I plan to keep you informed of helpful and fun stuff through 2021 on a regular basis. First,  I have appreciated our communications–though not face-to-face–throughout 2020. It has been a tough year in so many ways, but still full of blessings.  The release of my book (RYA RUGS-Design and Make Your Own) in March 2020 has freed me up to be more responsive to your orders and requests for more information. My days have been full from morning until night.

Rya Friends Zoom Sessions

Would you like to have a Zoom meeting with me and several other people interested in the same things you are? I’m still a novice Zoom person, but I have set up meetings for family and friends, so why not YOU?  I will probably be teaching classes (with registration and a fee) this coming year via Zoom, but I would like to have some just-for-fun conversations with you and meet many of you.  Here are some groupings that make sense so our meetings can be kept small and personalized.  Add your name and the Session you’d like to be included in in the comments section below and I’ll let you know when I schedule a “gathering.”

A.  PICK MY BRAIN – If you have read the book or at least have it in hand, this will be your opportunity to ask relevant questions to help you get started with a rya project or to continue on a project in case you are stuck. General questions and sharing of tips and personal experiences appreciated from all.

B. ARTISTS CREATING IN RYA TECHNIQUE – I’m intrigued by all the different art media that can be converted to rya rugs. This discussion will  be especially for the person comfortable with design and color but needs help in converting ideas to the rya backing and yarns. Especially for artists who create in watercolors, abstract paintings, mosaic, collage, felting, quilting, you name it–we can discuss ways to turn it to a rya rug. Bring pictures of your artwork or the real art piece.

C. RYA RUG MAKERS HAPPY HOUR –  Totally informal but we’ll figure out a way to keep one conversation going at a time. This could be a show-and-tell of your rya projects or inherited pieces. Idea sharing, questions, answers. If you wish to have a quarantini, I won’t object. It’s a “let’s get to know each other” meeting.

That is enough for starters.

Respond in the Comments section below if you see something that interests you. Request a Zoom session slot and we can get that ball rolling. (Finding a time slot suitable for all will be a challenge.  Let me know what time zone you are in.

USPS Delays

I think you know that our postal service has suffered a terrible blow from COVID-19 as well as a surge in shipping demands like never seen before.  I have shipped many packages since the first week of December which are sitting in storage somewhere within the postal system. My apologies to those of you who are waiting for a kit or a skein of yarn.  I’m shipping more often via FedEx until the time when the postal service catches up.  Some of the USPS mail is being received in a timely manner, but usually not. If you place an order with me, let me know how you want to proceed with shipping.

Newsletter Format Changes

This is the format of the past you may recognize.

I’ve known for a while now that WordPress will soon not be supporting the newsletter format I’ve used for a decade so I’m working on developing a new format.  I wish I had a teenager to help me with technical computer stuff, but alas… So be patient as I work with it.  The next Newsletter will have a very different look. It is a January goal of mine.


Upcoming Blogs:

  • Turning a 14′ Rya Hall Runner into two 7′ Area Ryas
  • My Nephew’s First Rya–designed, calculated, and knotted using my book as reference, then took designing to a whole different level!
  • Designing a Rya from Scratch–the step-by-step process
  • Featured Artist Interviews
  • Focus on Various Rya Backing Types

What would you like to see more of?

If you are interested in Zooming, please try to leave a comment below.  One person found she was unable to. I must look into that. Also be aware that as a spam security, you won’t see your comments immediately, so I’ll release your comments as soon as I see them.

Email me if you can’t leave a comment and I’ll add you to the list!


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