
Yarn Sample Packet


This is the first purchase you should make once you decide to design your own rya rug.  (And the Rya Book!)
Package includes complete sample cards of the Rauma Ryegarn, Rauma Prydvevgarn, and the vintage Lundgren Rya yarn. Package contains samples of the “special” ryegarn colors which are not on the sample cards, backing swatches from Rauma in Norway, Taito Pirkanma in Finland, and Wetterhoff Oy in Finland along with descriptions, price list, helpful information, sheet of rya graph paper, Rya Rugs Books description sheet, a threading card for your first project, a colorful rack card, business card, and yarn-tasseled bookmark.

Unfortunately, Rauma in Norway is behind in their production of sample cards, so when I have none of their sample cards, I am hand-making them for you because I believe a rya rug maker or weaver should have actual samples at all costs. Making all the sample card is very time consuming, but I would want the real thing, so it is important for me to offer YOU the best.  I have plenty of skeins of yarn on hand.

Contact me if you have any questions @
