Hand Painted Glassware
When you raise a glass in celebration of a major life event or simply as a tribute for having survived the day, the experience is much greater when you have a beautiful glass in hand.
You will find that my hand-painted glasses are different than any others you have seen. Look at the photos below. Whether simple decoration or elaborate portraiture, you will smile as you drink from my glassware.The first question is generally, “Nice, but can you wash them?” In 2000 when I painted my first glasses, I tested them in the dishwasher…for years. My conclusion is this. If hand-washing is not your cup of tea, go ahead and use the dishwasher. In general, all glass will look its best in years to come if it is hand washed.
Currently, I am working on writing a book on designing and making your own rya rug. Due to my distraction problem, I have decided not to accept any orders for painted glassware until the book is published. Until I start accepting glass painting commissions again, I refer you all to my good friend on the west coast, Deanna Hofmann. Check out her etsy shop here. Thanks for your patience.
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