Online Viewing of Rauma Rya Kits Currently Available
Once a month, I order rya yarn, backings, and rya kits from Norway. The kits are a relatively new addition to my offerings. In my last order, I purchased four kits which had no one waiting to receive them meaning that they are available at this moment.
- ILD (In reds as shown and in Blue-Greens.)
- Gry
- Vinter
- Anemone (My best seller in recent months)
Here is a new way for you to view what is available in kits from Norway (as opposed to viewing my past blogs where I have listed individual designs.) Click on this link to go directly to Rauma’s web site in Norway.
Then click to download the various catalogs to see all the available kits. I believe I can get any one of them for you. Send me an email asking for the price of a particular kit. Please use the order #number along with the name of the kit and the size you are interested in. I’ll get back to you with a price. The kits come in three different price ranges depending on how many strands of yarn are used on the needle and if the rya has a sculptural effect or not. I can tell you the cost without you knowing the details. 😉
I’m thinking that if local folks ordered (or bought) kits, I would organize mini-classes of 3-4 students at Byrdcall Studio for a little class (maybe two hours) in getting started on your kit. (Free of charge.) I’ll probably keep doing this for years to come, too. I might as well start now. I’d be looking for a minimum of three students, so let me put you on my future mini-class list.
Since these blogs are interactive, let me ask you:
If I offered a half-day mini-class on getting started on a Wreath Rya Wall-hanging this Fall, would you be interested? See Wreath Rya in my Etsy Shop
Would you be interested in a mini-class in designing your own rya with other beginners? I’m thinking of offering classes with themes. For example a rya class for quilt-makers to incorporate their quilt designs into ryas… and a class for visual artists to turn their abstract paintings into rya rugs. Stay tuned and let me know if something interests you. I’ll put you on the list to contact when that class happens.
Have you ever made rya knots on clothing? Hats and mittens in particular? If you have, tell me about it, or better yet, send me some pictures.
You can take a plain crocheted head band and turn it into a fun art piece.
And another random question: If you have made ryas before, and hang them on your wall, HOW do you hang them? What is your technique? Yes, I am writing this part of the book now and would love to learn from YOU.
That is all for now. I have a lot more blog posts in mind which you may be seeing sooner rather than later… and a newsletter should be out in a week or so.
Thanks so much for your interest. Stay tuned. … Melinda
PS Feel free to comment below. I love to read your comments. You might not see it immediately, but there is a delay in posting to stop spammers. Thanks!